Top 10 Tech startups in Ethiopia


The Romanticization of Startups in Ethiopia - Business Info Ethiopia


In Ethiopia, there are some great entrepreneurs and business owners who have created businesses that have the potential to change the world. In this article, we will talk about 10 tech startups in Ethiopia that you should know about and how they are changing Ethiopia’s business landscape.


Appointfix is a platform for appointment booking. It helps users find a doctor, dentist or any other service provider in their area through an easy-to-use interface. The app is available on Android and iOS devices.

Appointfix was founded by Amru Ahmed and Abdikadir Michael with the aim of making healthcare services accessible to everyone in Ethiopia's capital city Addis Ababa.

The company has raised $500k so far through seed funding from Startmate early stage fund, along with investments from Riseover Ventures & Blumberg Capital among others.

Sheba Medical

The Sheba Medical Center is a private hospital in Ethiopia that is the largest facility of its kind in Africa. Founded in 1937, it has more than 500 beds and provides services to medical professionals worldwide. The non-profit organization also operates clinics throughout East Africa, including Sudan and Kenya.

Sheba Medical has been named one of the best hospitals in Africa by Global Health Magazine and was ranked as one of Africa's most reliable health care providers by Global Brands Alliance (GBA).

Blue Moon

Blue Moon is a mobile app that helps users find the nearest toilet. It uses geo-location technology, in addition to crowdsourcing data from public toilets, to provide users with information about where they can go. This helps them avoid potentially dangerous situations and reduces their chance of getting sick while using public restrooms.

Blue Moon has developed a partnership with the Ethiopian government to provide sanitation and hygiene education for people across Ethiopia's schools and public places. The company also works with local nonprofits on projects like changing out water sources for drinking water so that women don't needlessly expose themselves or their children during menstruation periods (which can lead up health complications).


Skyeye is a drone company that provides aerial imagery and data analytics services to customers in agriculture, mining, and construction industries. The startup was founded by Ethiopian-American entrepreneur Mohamed Semerena in 2016 and is headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Skyeye's drones help farmers monitor their crops year-round while helping construction companies locate underground infrastructure faster than ever before.

Locally created content

Content is the king. It's something that can be created by anyone and it has a wide reach.

Content can be used to promote any business, whether it's yours or someone else's. It doesn't matter if you're an Ethiopian entrepreneur or an international corporation; your content will always be relevant and up-to-date because you're telling real stories about what's happening in your country today!

Zemen Bank mobile app

Zemen is a mobile banking app that allows users to check their balances, make transfers and pay bills. It also allows users to check their account details, view transactions and check their balance.

The company has been in operation since 2011 but it took off when they partnered with Vodafone to offer the service in Ethiopia in 2016.


Ebsaa is a digital financial services company that provides mobile money, payment and micro-insurance services to the underserved in Ethiopia. The company was founded in 2013 by a group of young entrepreneurs with a mission to improve the lives of the underserved.

Ebsaa's goal is to provide financial inclusion through innovative technology solutions that enable people like farmers and traders who don't have access to traditional banking institutions or credit cards from abroad, but still need access to basic financial services such as mobile money transfer or insurance coverage for health emergencies.

Fly Ethiopia

Fly Ethiopia

Fly Ethiopia is a travel agency that organizes travel packages to Ethiopia. The company offers flights, hotels, car rentals and other services for travelers who want to visit the country.

The blog of Fly Ethiopia has information about traveling in Ethiopia including cultural experiences such as eating Ethiopian food during your stay and getting involved with local community projects. There are also guides on how to navigate through different cities and regions of the country by using public transportation or taxis which can be hired nearby your hotel accommodations if needed!

If you're looking for more information about what it's like living here then check out this blog post on why we think it's one of Africa's best places for expats.

Loozant Technologies

Loozant Technologies is a tech startup in Ethiopia that specializes in software development. It was founded by Yohannes Gebremariam in 2015 and currently has more than 100 employees.

The company's primary focus is on mobile applications, with an emphasis on developing applications for the Android platform. The company also offers services like web design, app development and advertising through its website (

Tsehai Publishers

Tsehai Publishers is a publishing house that publishes books in Amharic, Oromo and Tigrinya.

Tsehai Publishers was founded in 2012 by a group of young Ethiopians who are passionate about the development of their country. They believe that knowledge is power, and it's important to share this knowledge with others so they can build a better future for all Ethiopians.

An event like this helps new ideas that can change the world to grow.

You’re probably asking yourself, “Why should I go?” Well, there are many reasons you should come to this event. First and foremost, it's an opportunity to connect with other people who are interested in tech startups and learning new things. There are also some great speakers who will be presenting their ideas on how they got started or how they've grown their businesses over the years. And last but not least—it's also a good place for you (the entrepreneur) to showcase your skillset so that others can see what makes you unique!

If all this sounds like fun, then sign up today!


This is a great initiative and it’s worth mentioning that it’s not just a conversation about technology, but also about how we can use it to improve our lives in ways that aren’t necessarily obvious. I think we can all agree on the fact that we want our cities to be more inclusive, as well as sustainable, so hopefully this will give people an idea of what they can do with their own technology!

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